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What’s Next?

Do you find yourself wanting to come out of the pandemic refreshed, energized, and with a new lease on life?

Do you also find those same fears that crippled you, those same actions that held you back, and those same “yea but”’s that stand in your way are also pushing to come out of the pandemic? 

I can help with that. 

Look, I’ve been there: I was moving quickly but not moving forward. I was making choices that hindered my growth, and knew that being aware of those choices wasn’t enough. Through my own practice of mindfulness, meditation, and working with a coach, I’ve been able to manifest a life beyond my wildest dreams. And even through the absolute chaos of the past year, I’ve worked to strengthen the foundation of that life manifested even more, through the help of those tools above and my own coach, world-renowned intuitive, business coach and author, Lynette Brown.

I want to do the same for you.

My coaching practice utilizes the teachings of mindfulness, meditation, energy cleansing, and neuro-linguistic programming, to help you change the way you think about yourself, package and present your gifts to the world, and access your best you. My background in marketing and entertainment, and my proven track record with high-powered individuals and major corporations like Universal Studios, GOOGLE, AAGL and more adds an extra layer of positioning you for success across many platforms, including the most important: how you present yourself to the world.

I am passionate about helping people break through the invisible barriers that hold them back by breaking down the walls they’ve built - or that have been built by others. I work with my clients to identify where they are, visualize where they want to be, and help them to create the path to get there. 

Let me help you create your program of accountability, self-love, and intuition (yes, we all have it) to get on the road to your best version of yourself. 


Click the PUT ME IN, COACH button to fill out a form for your free 15-minute consultation to see how I can be a fit for you, and your dreams.


We’ve nested, cried, lost, mourned, are close to finishing NETFLIX, and are getting back into the world at a rapid place. I’d love to help you arrive back in the world with the knowledge of being unstoppable, and giving the world the energy of being inexplicably different. And better. 

Check out this video to learn how I could be a great fit for your coaching, employee engagement/wellness, and public speaking, conference and seminar needs.

Corporate & Group Client List

Take It From The Team



“Jason has a knack for making everyone in the room feel loved without any sort of judgement. In a world full of judge Mc judge-a-lots, Jason is the opposite.”

Lisa Kara
Certified Nutritional Therapy Planner
Founder, Zinc Nutrition
Co-Host, Goodnight Snack

Comedian Melinda Hill shares how I’ve helped her achieve her vision of starring in and producing her one-woman Comedy Show, INAPPROPRIATE, streaming on all major platforms!

“I was inspired by this kind and giving person who spoke to our youth strength academy ... to make sure we are mindful and tune in to our mental health through meditation. If he can get a hundred juveniles to meditate he is a true superhero.”
Sharon Shuster - Riverside County, CA District Attorney

“So good. Well needed to me and subject was bang on. I felt that Jason was personally talking to me one on one. I am so grateful for this program.”  
Universal Studios Employee